1. What types of items does Sigma Gamma Rho accept?
A. historical photos, videos and audio recordings, books, personal letters from prominent figures to Sorority leaders, news clippings, unique paraphernalia and other items that tell our story. When in doubt, upload a photo and completed consideration form.
2. What happens after my item is accepted?
A. If the Collections Committee determines that an item is appropriate for the collection, the donor completes a Deed of Gift form, transferring legal ownership of the item to Sigma Gamma Rho. The donor will receive a copy of the Deed of Gift form by email or mail.
3. When will my item be on exhibit?
A. We cannot guarantee that any donated item will be used in the documentary, exhibited or used in other Centennial projects. Regardless of whether or not an item is used, it becomes a valuable piece of Sigma Gamma Rho history and as part of the collection will be preserved to allow future generations to learn about our history.
4. Can I send my donation now?
A. Due to the volume of inquires we receive, we cannot accept donated materials through the mail without prior communication. If you have items that you believe will enhance the collection, please take a photo of the item and send it and a completed item consideration form to: (who will handle).
5. Does Sigma Gamma Rho do appraisals and will they appraise my
donation for monetary value?
A. Donations may or may not be tax deductible. IRS regulations and policies prohibit the Sorority from appraising items. Donors who wish to receive a tax deduction for their donation should consult a tax professional and a qualified appraiser prior to completing the Deed of Gift. To find a licensed appraiser in your area, contact the American Society of Appraisers, the International Society of Appraisers, or the Appraisers Association of America for a referral.
6. Can I receive a tax deduction for my donation?
A. See number 5 above.
7. How are potential donations received?
A. The Collection Committee will send a letter of acceptance after the item has
been reviewed; this process can take from one to three months.
8. If I donate an item to Sigma Gamma Rho, will it be returned to me at my request?
A. After you donate your item to Sigma Gamma, it cannot be returned to you. Once the Collections Committee accepts your donation for the collection, your Deed of Gift form legally transfers ownership of the artifact to the Sorority.
9. If I have questions, whom do I contact?
A. DTIA@SGRho100.org